About Me

I am an internationally trained dog professional with 30 years experience working with and being trained by top professionals renowned around the world. I have worked with dogs across the world, from Europe to the United States. Originally from the British Isles, where my love of dogs began, I have owned my own dogs for most of those 30 years’, and really do know how important canine friends are, and what owners and dogs really need to live together in a happy home.


About Me

I look back over thirty years experience, learning from top international experts.  I’ve worked with dogs across the world,  from Europe to the United States.  Although I’m originally from Ireland and the British Isles,  where my love affair with all things canine & feline began;  I grew up in the Persian Gulf,  Dominican Republic,  Pakistan,  Afghanistan and East Africa.  I’ve shared my life intimately with dogs and cats, throughout my childhood and adult life.  I truly do understand how integral we are to each other,  and what we really need to live together peacefully and happily.

This is me with our once-in-a-lifetime Blue Heeler mix Jago.
He was a rescue dog so we're not quite sure what he was mixed with...his Mama wasn’t saying…we adored him anyway